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It’s a repository that contains a set of challenge overcome by teaching methods in DevOps. The objective is to help DevOps educators to teach DevOps. Some of theses teaching methods are found in the paper Overcomming Challenges in DevOps Education through Teaching Methods published at the academic conference ICSE’23: Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering.

Table of Content

Challenges overcome by Teaching Methods

To facilitate understanding, the challenges were organized in teaching methods. Each challenge is linked to a discussion. Then, theses are the following teaching methods:

Project-based learning

Definition: It focuses on a project in which the students work on a concrete
task. [Indiramma, M.. “Project based learning — Theoretical foundation of
computation course” (2014)] 

Collaborative learning

Definition: The students work collaboratively exchanging information and
resolving tasks. The teacher is the active partner not just a repository of the
information such as traditional education. [Pivec et al. “Aspects of Game-Based
Learning.” (2003)]

Educational support tool

Definition: A tool or integrated environment used to support the teaching or
learning. [Qurat-ul-Ain et al. “A Review of Technological Tools in Teaching and
Learning Computer Science.” Education (2019)]

Example-based learning

Definition: It's based on providing worked examples that illustrate a written
account of how a problem should be or can be solved. [Van Gog et al "Example-Based Learning:
Integrating Cognitive and Social-Cognitive Research Perspectives" (2010)]

Personalized learning

Definition: It describes various instructional approaches aimed at meeting the
learning needs of individuals. [Akyuz, Yasar."Effects of intelligent tutoring
systems (ITS) on personalized learning (PL)" (2020)]


Definition: It involves accomplishing practical tasks exploring a computer
science topic usually conducted in dedicated rooms equipped with computers for
each student. [Hazzan et al. "Lab-based teaching" (2020)]


Definition: It is an approach to improving teaching by adopting a mentor to help
the educator during educational activities. A mentor helps the team organize their
work and tracks if the team’s planned didactic results are being achieved.
[Dowdall et al. "Multinational, Intercultural, Multidisciplinary and Intensive
(MIMI) Methodology to Enrich Soft Skills Development in Computer Science students"(2021)] 


Definition:  Students work in groups to discuss assigned questions and issues
under the guidance of teachers. As an outcome of the seminars, the students give
presentations or write an essay on their particular topic. [Zeng et al. "Effects
of seminar teaching method versus lecture-based learning in medical education: a
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials" (2020)]


Definition: A video or documentation with the purpose of to introduce the more
general reader to the theoretical or technical concepts as well as onfigurations
steps. [Lokkila et al. "Redesigning Introductory Computer Science Courses to Use
Tutorial-Based Learning" (2016)]


Definition: It involves spoken communication between the teacher and the
students, and students by themselves. The educator's role becomes a facilitator
and incentives students to practice thinking about the course material [Cashin,
W."Effective Classroom Discussions. Idea Paper No. 49" (2011)]


Definition: Multiple-choice questions to the students as motivation strategy
[Lacher et al. "The effectiveness of video quizzes in a flipped class"(2015)]

Research-based teaching

Definition: Students actively exploring and solving problems using scientific research approaches under the guidance of educators. [Ye et al. "Exploration and
Practice of Research-based Teaching on Basic Chemistry Experiment in Local Colleges and Universities" (2017)]

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